Windmill Creek Heart Healthy Beef from Windmill Creek Ranch
Corriente Ground Steak/$5.00 per lb from the ranch freezer
Ordering a larger quantity $3.25 per lb. hanging weight
We are continually taking orders for a quarter, half, or whole steer; grass fed start to finish, 95% fat free, and with no growth promoting hormones! Cattle will be going to two local USDA Approved Lockers throughout the year. For more informaton on dates, meat processing, and prices please contact us here, PM on Facebook, or text 309-678-5972. Blessings!
*Extra Lean Ground Steak
*90-95% Fat Free
*No Growth Promoting Antibiotics or Hormones given
*All Natural Grass Fed-No Grain
*Locally Raised
*USDA Certified Butchering